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Specialized Coding Copilots? Microsoft Talks 'Copilot for Infrastructure as Code'

· 5 min read
Gilles Ravyse
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van visualstudiomagazine
Origineel auteur: David Ramel

Just as the initial influx of do-everything large language models (LLMs) have been advancing along with smaller and more specialized AI constructs, the same could happen to Microsoft's coding-specific GitHub Copilot.

Conceivably, the company could produce smaller, customized, targeted copilots for specific coding use cases, domains or even programming languages.

While the advantages of such an approach haven't yet been debated a lot, much less realized, Microsoft provides a hint of what might come in a recent article, "Unleashing GitHub Copilot for Infrastructure as Code."

Note that the article's discussion of "GH Copilot for Infra" does not refer to a new tool, but rather an approach using existing Visual Studio Code and its GitHub Copilot extension, requiring a license.

But what if it became a discrete new, specialized tool, followed by others?

Noting the challenges faced by infrastructure professionals, the article states: "Leveraging GitHub Copilot to generate infra code specifically for infrastructure professionals is helping to revolutionize the way infrastructure is written, addressing the pain points experienced by professionals in the field."

The significance of GitHub Copilot for Infra, the company said, is illustrated by the following benefits:

What Are CI/CD Pipelines? An Overview

· 6 min read
Frederic Van der Keilen
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van ninjaone
Origineel auteur: Makenzie Buenning


In the fast-paced world of software development, delivering high-quality software quickly and efficiently has become critical to success. Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are pivotal in achieving this goal.

6 Amazing Benefits of AWS And 3 Drawbacks for Your Business

· 9 min read
Korneel Lerinckx
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van Sados
Origineel auteur: Dominick Fair


Do you know that Amazon Web Services (AWS) currently supports over 7,500 government agencies and 5000 educational institutions?

If that’s not a seal of approval, we don’t know what is! Known as one of the leading IT companies in the world, AWS is currently one of the top four public cloud computing companies in the globe.

They provide cloud computing services for big and small businesses everywhere in the world. Even though AWS is a big company, intending clients want to be sure that they can deliver.

That’s why we have created this article detailing the benefits of AWS as well as its cons. The goal is to give you as much information as is necessary to help you make an informed decision about this cloud computing service. benefits of aws drawbacks sados


The Benefits of AWS

Understanding the benefits of AWS will help you see that this is a trustworthy platform that’s practically guaranteed to meet your business needs.


· 6 min read
Gilles Ravyse
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

bron: Integraal overgenomen van medium
Origineel auteur: Combell nv.


Docker is de voorbije jaren uitgegroeid tot de belangrijkste standaard in ‘container-technologie’ – een nieuwe manier om software, vaak zelfgeschreven, in te pakken en uit te rollen. Zo moet je niet langer rekening houden met hardware en specifieke configuratie-parameters. Je maakt ook veel zuiniger gebruik van de fysiek beschikbare rekenkracht. Klinkt interessant? Het vraagt wel een heel andere manier van werken.

Dankzij DevOps zien we software-ontwikkeling en infrastructuurbeheer steeds meer als één geheel. De instellingen voor veiligheid, beschikbaarheid en performance stop je met je software samen in één doos: de Docker-container. Software uitrollen wordt zo héél simpel – een beetje zoals een kant-en-klaar-maaltijd serveren, in plaats van telkens opnieuw alle aparte ingrediënten bij elkaar te koken.

What is CICD?

· 11 min read
Thibault Viaene
Student Odisee => Opleding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

bron: Integraal overgenomen van gitLab
Origineel auteur: GitLab

Use CI/CD to automate your software development workflows and deploy better quality code, more often. Using a continuous and iterative process to build, test, and deploy helps avoid bugs and code failures.

CI/CD falls under DevOps (the joining of development and operations teams) and combines the practices of continuous integration and continuous delivery. CI/CD automates much or all of the manual human intervention traditionally needed to get new code from a commit into production, encompassing the build, test (including integration tests, unit tests, and regression tests), and deploy phases, as well as infrastructure provisioning. With a CI/CD pipeline, development teams can make changes to code that are then automatically tested and pushed out for delivery and deployment. Get CI/CD right and downtime is minimized and code releases happen faster.

Infrastructure as Code The Good the Bad and the Future

· 13 min read
Dinand van der Schoor
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van
Origineel auteur: Luca Galante


Infrastructure as Code is a key element of most top performing engineering setups. It’s a big leap forward in the way Ops and Devs interact with their own infrastructure. Interestingly, many still disagree on its definition and best practices. This article will clearly describe IaC, looking at both the its great benefits and crucial limitations.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is making waves in the world of software engineering, shaking up how Ops folks handle infrastructure setup and upkeep. But even though IaC has become pretty much the industry standard, there's still some serious debate going on about what exactly it is — and how to get it right. This article will take you on a journey through the history and future of infrastructure workflows. I’ll dive into what technologies were born out of the IaC evolution along with all the good stuff it offers, along with its limitations. Let's get started.

You should stop writing Dockerfiles today — Do this instead

· 5 min read
Duarte Van Hecke
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

bron: Integraal overgenomen van medium
Origineel auteur: Akhilesh Mishra

Are you one of those who find writing Dockerfiles, and docker-compose.yml files painful?

At least I never enjoyed it.

I always wondered if I was following the best practices, and not introducing security vulnerabilities unknowingly while writing the Dockerfile , docker-compose config files.

Well, I won’t have to worry about it anymore, thanks to the good people at Docker who put Generative AI to better use without making too much noise about it.

They created a CLI utility tool — docker init

Streamline the Development of Real-Time AI Applications with MindsDB Docker Extension

· 3 min read
Thibault Viaene
Student Odisee => Opleding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

bron: Integraal overgenomen van medium
Origineel auteur: Martyna Slawinska & Ajeet Singh Raina

MindsDB is a platform for customizing AI from dynamic data. With its nearly 200 integrations to data sources and AI/ML frameworks, any developer can use their own data to customize AI for their purposes, faster and more securely.

Let’s solve the problems as defined one by one:

MindsDB integrates with numerous data sources, including databases, vector stores, and applications. To make your data accessible to many popular AI/ML frameworks, all you have to do is execute a single statement to connect your data to MindsDB. MindsDB integrates with popular AI/ML frameworks, including LLMs and AutoML. So once you connect your data to MindsDB, you can pass it to different models to pick the best one for your use case and deploy it within MindsDB. With MindsDB, you can manage models and data seamlessly, implement custom automation flows, and make your AI systems improve themselves with continuous finetuning.

With MindsDB, you can build AI-powered applications easily, even with no AI/ML experience. You can interact with MindsDB through SQL, MongoDB-QL, REST APIs, Python, and JavaScript.

Follow along to learn how to set up MindsDB in Docker Desktop. Intro

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and its importance in DevOps

· 6 min read
Dinand van der Schoor
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van
Origineel auteur: Krishna Teja


Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become an increasingly important concept in software development. It describes the practice of treating infrastructure elements, such as servers, applications, and networks, as software components that can be managed and versioned in a source control system.

By using IaC tools and practices, developers can automate the deployment and management of their Infrastructure, making it easier to create and maintain reliable systems. While IaC is not a new concept, its importance has been amplified by the DevOps movement.

In this article, we will explore:

What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC)? Why is IaC important in DevOps? Benefits of IaC implementation. Challenges of Infrastructure as Code.

What is IAC with Terraform

· 4 min read
Duarte Van Hecke
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

bron: Integraal overgenomen van medium
Origineel auteur: Mike Tyson of the Cloud (MToC)

In the evolving landscape of cloud computing, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has emerged as a pivotal practice, streamlining the provisioning and management of IT infrastructure. Among the tools enabling this revolution, Terraform by HashiCorp stands out as a leader. This article delves into what Infrastructure as Code is, with a specific focus on Terraform, exploring its functionalities, benefits, and how it’s transforming the way organizations deploy and manage their cloud resources.

The other side of docker

· 8 min read
Frederic Van der Keilen
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van opensource
Origineel auteur: Mir H.S. Quadri


Docker’s lesser-discussed aspects such as its complexities, performance nuances, security concerns, and environmental inconsistencies are the focus of this article. You will get a balanced perspective on when Docker shines and when alternative technologies might better suit your needs.


· 5 min read
Gilles Ravyse
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van Computable
Origineel auteur: Brian Vermeer

Cloud-native-applicaties bevatten infrastructure-as-code (in het kort iac) die bepalen hoe applicaties werken binnen een cloud-infrastructuur en hoe gecontaineriseerde applicaties op Kubernetes draaien. Iac betekent snellere, herhaalbare implementaties, maar verhoogt tegelijkertijd de druk voor ontwikkelaars om niet alleen hun code te beveiligen, maar ook de infrastructuurconfiguratie, code-afhankelijkheden en containers.

The EU has decided to open up iPadOS

· 4 min read
Korneel Lerinckx
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van Computerworld
Origineel auteur: Jonny Evans

'Our market investigation showed that despite not meeting the thresholds, iPadOS constitutes an important gateway on which many companies rely to reach their customers,' said the EU’s lead anti-competition regulator, Margrethe Vestiger.

Welke programmeertaal kies je voor Infrastructure-as-Code?

· 4 min read
Gilles Ravyse
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van ShareValue
Origineel auteur: Barry (Consultant & Architect)

Laten we beginnen met een korte uitleg van het concept Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC). Zoals de naam al doet vermoeden, is IaC een proces van het beheren van infrastructuur door het in de code te beschrijven.

What Is Ansible?

· 8 min read
Thibault Viaene
Student Odisee => Opleding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van medium
Origineel auteur: Mohammed


Ansible is an open-source IT automation tool that simplifies and automates various manual IT processes, including provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, and orchestration. It is designed to be minimal, consistent, secure, and highly reliable, with an extremely low learning curve for administrators, developers, and IT managers.

Ansible is primarily intended for IT professionals who use it for tasks such as application deployment, updates on workstations and servers, cloud provisioning, configuration management, and intra-service orchestration. & It enables cross-platform automation and orchestration at scale.

It is created by contributions from an active open-source community. Ansible is designed to be simple, powerful, and agentless, which means it does not require any software or agents to be installed on the managed nodes.

Ansible uses a declarative language called YAML to define automation tasks, which makes it easy to read and understand.

What Is Ansible?

50 Clever ChatGPT Prompts for Faster, Optimized Blog Writing from Start to Finish

· 6 min read
Duarte Van Hecke
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van medium
Origineel auteur: Webjinneeofficial

ChatGPT is an incredibly useful tool for streamlining and automating parts of the blog writing process.

With the right prompts, it can help take you from keyword research through to publishing your finished post.

Here are 50 Clever ChatGPT prompts that cover every step of crafting a blog post, from coming up with ideas to promotion.

Whether you want to save time on research or generate ideas for dynamic content, these prompts demonstrate how ChatGPT can elevate your blog writing workflow.

Infrastructure as Code Landscape in 2023

· 4 min read
Dinand van der Schoor
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel Gedeeltelijk overgenomen van
Origineel auteur: Sören Martius



2023 was a significant year for Infrastructure as Code (IaC). With the increasing adoption of cloud-native technologies, businesses are turning to IaC solutions to manage their cloud infrastructure more effectively. As cloud infrastructures become more complex, the demand for IaC tools is growing rapidly. The market is expected to expand from USD 0.8 billion in 2022 to USD 2.3 billion by 2027, representing a 24.0% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) over a five-year period.

Various tools have emerged to meet this demand, with Terraform leading the pack due to its extensive capabilities and agnostic nature. This article explores the different IaC tools available in 2023 and discusses why Terraform is the current leader.

Introducing the GitLab AI Transparency Center

· 5 min read
Thibault Viaene
Student Odisee => Opleding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van GitLab
Origineel auteur: Robin Schulman

This new initiative will help our community understand how we uphold governance and transparency in our AI products. GitLab is dedicated to responsibly integrating artificial intelligence (AI) throughout our comprehensive DevSecOps platform. We offer GitLab Duo, a full suite of AI capabilities across the GitLab platform, so that our customers can ship better, more secure software faster. GitLab Duo follows a privacy- and transparency-first approach to help customers confidently adopt AI while keeping their valuable assets protected.

Intel neuromorfisch systeem

· 2 min read
Sven Knockaert
Docent Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT
Roel Van Steenberghe
Docent Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van Tweakers
Origineel auteur: Daan van Monsjou

Intel heeft naar eigen zeggen het grootste neuromorfische computersysteem ter wereld gebouwd. Het systeem, genaamd Hala Point, beschikt over 1152 Loihi 2-chips, die neuronen en synapsen kunnen simuleren en daarmee soortgelijk functioneren als hersenen.

Mastering Automation with Ansible

· 2 min read
Sven Knockaert
Docent Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel gedeeltelijk overgenomen van
Origineel auteur: Michael Hagans


Are you ready to embark on your coding journey? Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, setting up the right development environment is crucial for a smooth and productive workflow. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create a robust development environment using popular tools like Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Python, and Ansible.