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5 posts tagged with "AI"

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Specialized Coding Copilots? Microsoft Talks 'Copilot for Infrastructure as Code'

· 5 min read
Gilles Ravyse
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van visualstudiomagazine
Origineel auteur: David Ramel

Just as the initial influx of do-everything large language models (LLMs) have been advancing along with smaller and more specialized AI constructs, the same could happen to Microsoft's coding-specific GitHub Copilot.

Conceivably, the company could produce smaller, customized, targeted copilots for specific coding use cases, domains or even programming languages.

While the advantages of such an approach haven't yet been debated a lot, much less realized, Microsoft provides a hint of what might come in a recent article, "Unleashing GitHub Copilot for Infrastructure as Code."

Note that the article's discussion of "GH Copilot for Infra" does not refer to a new tool, but rather an approach using existing Visual Studio Code and its GitHub Copilot extension, requiring a license.

But what if it became a discrete new, specialized tool, followed by others?

Noting the challenges faced by infrastructure professionals, the article states: "Leveraging GitHub Copilot to generate infra code specifically for infrastructure professionals is helping to revolutionize the way infrastructure is written, addressing the pain points experienced by professionals in the field."

The significance of GitHub Copilot for Infra, the company said, is illustrated by the following benefits:


· 6 min read
Gilles Ravyse
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

bron: Integraal overgenomen van medium
Origineel auteur: Combell nv.


Docker is de voorbije jaren uitgegroeid tot de belangrijkste standaard in ‘container-technologie’ – een nieuwe manier om software, vaak zelfgeschreven, in te pakken en uit te rollen. Zo moet je niet langer rekening houden met hardware en specifieke configuratie-parameters. Je maakt ook veel zuiniger gebruik van de fysiek beschikbare rekenkracht. Klinkt interessant? Het vraagt wel een heel andere manier van werken.

Dankzij DevOps zien we software-ontwikkeling en infrastructuurbeheer steeds meer als één geheel. De instellingen voor veiligheid, beschikbaarheid en performance stop je met je software samen in één doos: de Docker-container. Software uitrollen wordt zo héél simpel – een beetje zoals een kant-en-klaar-maaltijd serveren, in plaats van telkens opnieuw alle aparte ingrediënten bij elkaar te koken.

Streamline the Development of Real-Time AI Applications with MindsDB Docker Extension

· 3 min read
Thibault Viaene
Student Odisee => Opleding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

bron: Integraal overgenomen van medium
Origineel auteur: Martyna Slawinska & Ajeet Singh Raina

MindsDB is a platform for customizing AI from dynamic data. With its nearly 200 integrations to data sources and AI/ML frameworks, any developer can use their own data to customize AI for their purposes, faster and more securely.

Let’s solve the problems as defined one by one:

MindsDB integrates with numerous data sources, including databases, vector stores, and applications. To make your data accessible to many popular AI/ML frameworks, all you have to do is execute a single statement to connect your data to MindsDB. MindsDB integrates with popular AI/ML frameworks, including LLMs and AutoML. So once you connect your data to MindsDB, you can pass it to different models to pick the best one for your use case and deploy it within MindsDB. With MindsDB, you can manage models and data seamlessly, implement custom automation flows, and make your AI systems improve themselves with continuous finetuning.

With MindsDB, you can build AI-powered applications easily, even with no AI/ML experience. You can interact with MindsDB through SQL, MongoDB-QL, REST APIs, Python, and JavaScript.

Follow along to learn how to set up MindsDB in Docker Desktop. Intro

Introducing the GitLab AI Transparency Center

· 5 min read
Thibault Viaene
Student Odisee => Opleding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van GitLab
Origineel auteur: Robin Schulman

This new initiative will help our community understand how we uphold governance and transparency in our AI products. GitLab is dedicated to responsibly integrating artificial intelligence (AI) throughout our comprehensive DevSecOps platform. We offer GitLab Duo, a full suite of AI capabilities across the GitLab platform, so that our customers can ship better, more secure software faster. GitLab Duo follows a privacy- and transparency-first approach to help customers confidently adopt AI while keeping their valuable assets protected.

Intel neuromorfisch systeem

· 2 min read
Sven Knockaert
Docent Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT
Roel Van Steenberghe
Docent Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van Tweakers
Origineel auteur: Daan van Monsjou

Intel heeft naar eigen zeggen het grootste neuromorfische computersysteem ter wereld gebouwd. Het systeem, genaamd Hala Point, beschikt over 1152 Loihi 2-chips, die neuronen en synapsen kunnen simuleren en daarmee soortgelijk functioneren als hersenen.