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5 posts tagged with "DevOps"

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What is CICD?

· 11 min read
Thibault Viaene
Student Odisee => Opleding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

bron: Integraal overgenomen van gitLab
Origineel auteur: GitLab

Use CI/CD to automate your software development workflows and deploy better quality code, more often. Using a continuous and iterative process to build, test, and deploy helps avoid bugs and code failures.

CI/CD falls under DevOps (the joining of development and operations teams) and combines the practices of continuous integration and continuous delivery. CI/CD automates much or all of the manual human intervention traditionally needed to get new code from a commit into production, encompassing the build, test (including integration tests, unit tests, and regression tests), and deploy phases, as well as infrastructure provisioning. With a CI/CD pipeline, development teams can make changes to code that are then automatically tested and pushed out for delivery and deployment. Get CI/CD right and downtime is minimized and code releases happen faster.

Infrastructure as Code The Good the Bad and the Future

· 13 min read
Dinand van der Schoor
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van
Origineel auteur: Luca Galante


Infrastructure as Code is a key element of most top performing engineering setups. It’s a big leap forward in the way Ops and Devs interact with their own infrastructure. Interestingly, many still disagree on its definition and best practices. This article will clearly describe IaC, looking at both the its great benefits and crucial limitations.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is making waves in the world of software engineering, shaking up how Ops folks handle infrastructure setup and upkeep. But even though IaC has become pretty much the industry standard, there's still some serious debate going on about what exactly it is — and how to get it right. This article will take you on a journey through the history and future of infrastructure workflows. I’ll dive into what technologies were born out of the IaC evolution along with all the good stuff it offers, along with its limitations. Let's get started.

You should stop writing Dockerfiles today — Do this instead

· 5 min read
Duarte Van Hecke
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

bron: Integraal overgenomen van medium
Origineel auteur: Akhilesh Mishra

Are you one of those who find writing Dockerfiles, and docker-compose.yml files painful?

At least I never enjoyed it.

I always wondered if I was following the best practices, and not introducing security vulnerabilities unknowingly while writing the Dockerfile , docker-compose config files.

Well, I won’t have to worry about it anymore, thanks to the good people at Docker who put Generative AI to better use without making too much noise about it.

They created a CLI utility tool — docker init

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and its importance in DevOps

· 6 min read
Dinand van der Schoor
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van
Origineel auteur: Krishna Teja


Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become an increasingly important concept in software development. It describes the practice of treating infrastructure elements, such as servers, applications, and networks, as software components that can be managed and versioned in a source control system.

By using IaC tools and practices, developers can automate the deployment and management of their Infrastructure, making it easier to create and maintain reliable systems. While IaC is not a new concept, its importance has been amplified by the DevOps movement.

In this article, we will explore:

What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC)? Why is IaC important in DevOps? Benefits of IaC implementation. Challenges of Infrastructure as Code.

Infrastructure as Code Landscape in 2023

· 4 min read
Dinand van der Schoor
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel Gedeeltelijk overgenomen van
Origineel auteur: Sören Martius



2023 was a significant year for Infrastructure as Code (IaC). With the increasing adoption of cloud-native technologies, businesses are turning to IaC solutions to manage their cloud infrastructure more effectively. As cloud infrastructures become more complex, the demand for IaC tools is growing rapidly. The market is expected to expand from USD 0.8 billion in 2022 to USD 2.3 billion by 2027, representing a 24.0% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) over a five-year period.

Various tools have emerged to meet this demand, with Terraform leading the pack due to its extensive capabilities and agnostic nature. This article explores the different IaC tools available in 2023 and discusses why Terraform is the current leader.